Last minute thoughts on Oct 30th Apple Event

A few last minute thoughts on tomorrow’s October Apple Event.

The Time

First, I think it would have been a better idea to hold the event at 1pm EST so that it would be at 10am PST which is the usual event time. I know it’s in New York and I get they want to keep the event time the same locally, but 7am is not a great time for people to watch. They getting themselves and their kids ready for the day, in traffic commuting. 10am has always been a perfect time for Apple events, even for East coasters has it would have been after lunch.

I’m likely going to have to watch the event after it’s posted to and not live.

New iPad models

I suddenly got very excited about the rumoured new iPad models. After the more detailed icon of the potential new model surfaced out of the newest iOS 12 beta, I’m very excited for a edge to edge, rounded corner, no home button iPad. The extra screen space will be very immersive. I might have to find a way to pay for and justify the upgrade.

We’ll see soon enough what Apple has in store going into the holiday season.

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